Tuesday, December 14, 2010


In 1994 the total Rwandan population was seven million. The country was divided into three ethnic groups, the Hutu who made up eighty five percent of the population, the Tutsi who made up four teen percent and the Twa who only one percent of the total population. Since the early 1990’s the majority Hutu government had been blaming the Tutsi’s of all of Rwanda’s social, economic, and political pressures. 
On April 9, 1994 the Hutu Rwandan president Habyarimana’s plane was shot down. Immediately afterward violence broke out. The Hutu extremests used the radio as a method to brain wash their Hutu listeners. They made the listeners feel comfortable by playing cultural music while they projected there message.  It is estimated that two hundred thousand civilians and militia participated in the mass murder of three quarters the Tutsi population. The war officially ended in 2003 and an estimated eight hundred thousand people where massacred. It is easy to point fingers and blame one group or person but you have to look at both side of the story.

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