The Hutu Extremists are the alleged group behind the assassination of the Rwandan president. They wanted to use the war as a cover so they could carry out their real plans of a total extermination of the Tutsi ethnic group. The Hutu had been repressed for years because of the way the look and the ethnic group they are classified under. The Hutu extremists used the radio to inform the Hutu population of there plans. Everyone that was Hutu either was an extremist or they where are good as the “cockroaches” they were trying to exterminate. After years and years of being repressed they finally thought that is was their time to be on top and the result of this was catastrophic.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)

How We Can Help
During the occurrence of the genocide in 1994, nearly nothing was done to help. The western world sat around trying to define the term "Genocide" while thousands were being slaughtered. Instead of sending in more UN troops to help defuse the situation all the white troops were evacuated leaving only a handful. Romeo Dallaire was one of the few UN peace keepers who remained in Rwanda in order to save the lives of the Tutsi people. Below is the trailer for the movie, Shake Hands With the Devil, based on his work to save the lives of the Tutsi's against the orders of higher commanders he was working under.
Movies such as this one bring awareness to the issue that was so blatantly ignored. However, now that the genocide has occurred there are many things that can be done to help those who are still suffering from the atrocities that happened a mere 16 years ago.
The main ways that you can help are:
1. Raise awareness. Although 800,000 people died in an estimated 10 weeks, the genocide in Rwanda is not a topic that is as regularly discussed or commonly known about.
2. Research and join organizations such as;
Movies such as this one bring awareness to the issue that was so blatantly ignored. However, now that the genocide has occurred there are many things that can be done to help those who are still suffering from the atrocities that happened a mere 16 years ago.
The main ways that you can help are:
1. Raise awareness. Although 800,000 people died in an estimated 10 weeks, the genocide in Rwanda is not a topic that is as regularly discussed or commonly known about.
2. Research and join organizations such as;
The Power of the Radio
(Translation: “What’s happening?” “They killed Habyarimana (Hutu President of Rwanda)” “We ask all our Hutu brothers not to let this crime remain unpunished. Get up. Get to work. Take your tools and eradicate this race of cockroaches. Find them in all the holes…”) |
The Hutu extremists used the radio as a means of communicating hate filled messages to the general public. The radio was the best means of communication for the Hutu's because they were relatively cheap, could be shared by many people, and unlike the newspaper could be listened to and understood by those who were illiterate. By distributing Radios to fellow Hutu's they were able to easily and quickly communicate news. By mixing hate messages in with popular African cultural music the Hutu extremists were able to turn people against their neighbors. The Radio communicated an ultimatum to all Hutu's, either kill all the Tutsi's or either we or they will rise up and kill you. Hutu's were lead to believe through messages on the radio that the Tustsi were evil cockroaches who would trick and manipulate you so they could rise to power and eliminate all Hutu's.
The Genocide Resulted in the Death of 800,000 Tutsi's and Their Supporters.
The Hutu's and the Tutsi's and Belgium Stereotyping
The Hutu's were the largest of the three groups categorized by the Belgium's. According to statistics collected by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States 84% of Rwandans are Hutu.
The Tutsi's were the second largest group inhabiting Rwanda. They are said to have originated from North Africa as opposed to the Hutu's from sub-saharan Africa. Despite their unsubstantial numbers in comparison to the Hutu's, the Tutsi held control over the Hutu and the smallest group the Twa. This made the government system in Rwanda resemble the Oligarchical system. (Where the few rule the many).
This system of government was put in place by the Belgium colonists. The Belgium's believed that the Tutsi were racially superior to the Twa and the Hutu's because of their more caucasian appearance. This signified to the Belgium's that they were the ones capable of assuming leadership of the country. In order to categorize the Rwanda's the Belgium's formulated a series of tests to determine whether one was Hutu or Tutsi. The Tustsi tended to be leaner, taller, and their skin tones lighter. Hutu's were said to be stalkier with darker skin tones. More specific tests however where conducted in order to properly categorize the two groups. Measurements of the lengths and widths of noses were a huge component of the sorting. Those with wider noses were labeled as Hutu's, those with smaller noses were Tutsi (smaller nose generally meant a more caucasian appearance.)
This picture shows the stereotyping of the three groups perfectly.
The Tutsi's were the second largest group inhabiting Rwanda. They are said to have originated from North Africa as opposed to the Hutu's from sub-saharan Africa. Despite their unsubstantial numbers in comparison to the Hutu's, the Tutsi held control over the Hutu and the smallest group the Twa. This made the government system in Rwanda resemble the Oligarchical system. (Where the few rule the many).

This picture shows the stereotyping of the three groups perfectly.
In 1994 the total Rwandan population was seven million. The country was divided into three ethnic groups, the Hutu who made up eighty five percent of the population, the Tutsi who made up four teen percent and the Twa who only one percent of the total population. Since the early 1990’s the majority Hutu government had been blaming the Tutsi’s of all of Rwanda’s social, economic, and political pressures.
On April 9, 1994 the Hutu Rwandan president Habyarimana’s plane was shot down. Immediately afterward violence broke out. The Hutu extremests used the radio as a method to brain wash their Hutu listeners. They made the listeners feel comfortable by playing cultural music while they projected there message. It is estimated that two hundred thousand civilians and militia participated in the mass murder of three quarters the Tutsi population. The war officially ended in 2003 and an estimated eight hundred thousand people where massacred. It is easy to point fingers and blame one group or person but you have to look at both side of the story.
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