Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How We Can Help

During the occurrence of the genocide in 1994, nearly nothing was done to help. The western world sat around trying to define the term "Genocide" while thousands were being slaughtered. Instead of sending in more UN troops to help defuse the situation all the white troops were evacuated leaving only a handful. Romeo Dallaire was one of the few UN peace keepers who remained in Rwanda in order to save the lives of the Tutsi people. Below is the trailer for the movie, Shake Hands With the Devil, based on his work to save the lives of the Tutsi's against the orders of higher commanders he was working under.


Movies such as this one bring awareness to the issue that was so blatantly ignored. However, now that the genocide has occurred there are many things that can be done to help those who are still suffering from the atrocities that happened a mere 16 years ago.

Triage is an example of a film about Dr. James Orbinski who worked as a Doctor Without Boarders providing medical care to those who were injured durning the Rwandan genocide. James continues his work to help Rwanda through the writings in his books and the medical assistance he provides the people with upon his trips to Africa.

Since the Rwandan genocide the UN has successfully (and finally) defined the term genocide. (The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.)

The main ways that you can help are:
1. Raise awareness. Although 800,000 people died in an estimated 10 weeks, the genocide in Rwanda is not a topic that is as regularly discussed or commonly known about.
2. Research and join organizations such as;

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